Ghalia Shamayleh

Marketing PhD Candidate, Concordia University
Public Scholar
SSHRC & FRQSC Doctoral Research Scholar
Sheth ACR/Dissertation Award Recipient 2022

I am a 5th year Marketing Ph.D. Candidate at the John Molson School of Business of Concordia University under the supervision of Professor Zeynep Arsel.

My background is in Marketing, I have a BSc in Economics with a concentration in Marketing from the Wharton School of Business and an MSc in Marketing from Concordia University.

My research interests and projects pertain to digital consumption phenomena. The topics I currently investigate concern digital affective networks, digital self-expression, digitized interpersonal services, and shifts in consumption practices. I am currently working on three projects on digitized dyadic services, animal content on the internet, and consumption patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic.